Wednesday, May 11, 2016

CHOORI - Misunderstood Nutritious Meal

I recently heard my daughter saying that my teacher has asked not to bring "Choori"(a traditional punjabi dish made from chappattis and powder jaggery with clarified butter made into small balls ) to school for tiffin as it is a junk food. 

Surprised and still trying to digest the information passed on to my ears, I said i will talk to her, don't worry.She is so fond of eating choori that it came as a shock to her.
Now, if we analyse the ingredients of Choori they contain all the essential nutrients a growing child needs.

1) Wheat Chapatti : Wheat is one of the world’s most commonly consumed cereal grains.
      100 gms of wheat chappatti contains:
      72 gms        Carbohydrates
      2.5 gms       Fats
      13.2 gms     Protiens
      The three macro nutrients required for growth,energy and sharp mind.A part from these they also have fiber and water, micro minerals like selenium, manganese,phosphorous, copper, folate etc.

2)  "Shakar"( Powder jaggery):
  •    It is a natural sweetner and contains minerals like  Iron,Calcium,Phosphorous,Potassium etc.
  •    It helps in digestion
  •    It helps in Calcium absorption

3)  Ghee (Clarified Butter):
  • Ghee has antibacterial and antiviral properties. 
  • It contains antioxidants and helps improve the texture of our skin, hair and nails.
  • Ghee helps to de-stress, sleep better and wake up fresh.
  • Ghee is needed to help absorb the fat soluble vitamins like A,D,K,E as it has a unique type of saturated fat that contain short chain fatty acids.
  •   It increases the strength of our joints and keeps the brain alert.

A part from the above ingredients we can always add dry fruits and seeds like sesame according to taste of the child and weather of the place.

With so many health benefits in a small laddoo of choori who can resist the temptation of having this super food, not me!!.

Instead of shunning the Choori lets shun the BURGER, PIZZA, JAM Sandwich etc. and start giving our kids healthy homemade food prepared in our kitchen in front of our eyes, with our own hands with love and see our Children grow into healthy and strong Adults.


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