Heart talk
India's young and productive workforce is at risk of heart disease due to rising stress levels, increasing work hours and changing lifestylesDr Harinder Singh Bedi
India's young and productive workforce is at risk of heart disease due to rising stress levels, increasing work hours and changing lifestylesDr Harinder Singh Bedi
An estimated 17.3 million people die globally of cardiovascular disease every year. As many as 80 per cent of the deaths occur in low and middle-income countries.
Causes of CVD
Many risk factors contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Some people are born with conditions that predispose them to heart disease and stroke, but others who develop CVD do so because of a combination of factors such as poor diet, stress, obesity, lack of physical activity, smoking, diabetes and high blood pressure. The more risk factors you expose yourself to, the higher the chance of developing cardiovascular disease.
Many of these risk factors cause problems because these lead to atherosclerosis (narrowing and thickening of arteries). This narrowing and thickening is due to the deposition of fatty material, cholesterol and other substances in the walls of blood vessels. The deposits are known as plaque. The rupture of a plaque can lead to stroke or a heart attack.
Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance used by the body to build cell walls and for several essential hormones. Liver produces cholesterol. The body absorbs it from the animal fats one eats. Cholesterol is carried through the blood by particles called lipoproteins. There are two types: low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL). The former carries the cholesterol around the body in the blood and the latter transports cholesterol out of the blood into the liver.
When cholesterol is too high, or the LDL and HDL are out of balance (dyslipidaemia), the cholesterol can clog the arteries affecting the flow of the blood.
High blood pressure and heart disease
Blood moving through the arteries pushes against the arterial walls; this force is measured as blood pressure. High blood pressure (hypertension) occurs when very small arteries (arterioles) tighten. The heart has to work harder to pump blood through the smaller space and the pressure inside the vessels grows. The constant excess pressure on the artery walls weakens these making them more susceptible to atherosclerosis.
There are a number of ways to diagnose coronary heart disease. For a definitive diagnosis more than one test is required. The commonly used tests used are — ECG, cardiac echo, and exercise or stress test. A coronary angiogram may then be done if indicated .This test shows the degree of blockage of the heart arteries. It can be done invasively or non-invasively with a CT angiogram.
Smoking & CVD
Smoking damages the lining of blood vessels, increases fatty deposits in the arteries, increases blood clotting, adversely affects blood lipid levels and promotes coronary artery spasm. Nicotine accelerates the heart rate and raises blood pressure.
Diet doctor
Diet plays a significant role in protecting or predisposing people to heart disease. Diets high in animal fat, low in fresh vegetables and fruit, and high in alcohol have been shown to increase the risk of heart diseases. Adopting a diet low in fat and salt and having whole grains, fruits, and vegetables has a protective effect over the long term.
Estrogen protection
Estrogen does help raise the good (HDL) cholesterol. So this hormone protects women to some extent, but once menopause starts women are equally affected by heart disease as are men. However, if a woman suffers from diabetes or has raised levels of triglycerides it cancels out the positive effect of estrogen.
Hereditary problem
Heart disease can run in some families. But even if you inherit the risks factors that predispose you to heart disease, such as high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, or being overweight, protective measures can help you avoid developing cardiovascular disease.
CVD risk factors
Many types of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is caused by risk factors that can be controlled, treated or modified, such as high blood pressure, abnormal lipid profile, overweight/obesity, tobacco use, lack of physical activity and diabetes. However, there are also some major CVD risk factors that cannot be controlled.
Modifiable risk factors
- Hypertension (high blood pressure)
- Tobacco use
- Raised blood glucose (diabetes)
- Physical inactivity
- Unhealthy diet
- Cholesterol/lipids
- Overweight and obesity
Non-modifiable risk factors
Some risk factors that cannot be changed like age, family history and gender - men are generally at higher risk than pre-menopausal women.
Heart attack warning signs
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